Saturday, 28 May 2016

Things to do When You're Bored This Summer!!!

It's finally Summer! As it's Summer, you will have weeks of freedom from school but you might get a little bored. So here are some ways to spice up your Summer to make it full of fun. Hope you enjoy!

1. Make your average board games a bit more fun!

This is a great way to have a fun-filled Summer! All you have to do is find your board game for example; Twister. Then what you do is you could put a little twist to it. For twister, you could buy some paints and squirt them on the colours. By the way it sounds, I would definitely recommend this; it sounds awesome!!! I think it would end up in a paint fight though..And you would look like this.

2. Bake!

Baking is one of the best things in Summer! Do it as much as you can; it's even fun when you're bored! Not only are you having fun while you're baking, such as licking the bowl, (* AWKWARD*) you end up with a mouth-melting reward. You could bake anything! Try a new recipe. I love any kind of cupcake so if I get invited to your house, you can give me a cupcake and I'll literally love you. And trust me, you could even make it into a piece of artwork.

3. Create a Summer play list!

If you love music, this is the perfect thing to do! Take your favourite songs all together and make it into a play list. And after that you can jam to it as much as you like. Name it whatever you want; it's your choice!

4. Homework

I know what you're thinking; " UGH!!! She's reminding me of school again!" but this is a great thing to do during the holidays. Especially when you have nothing to do. You know you're probably going to do your holiday homework at the last minute but you won't accept that you're not going to finish it in time. It's fine.Just do as much as you can!

5.  Have a DIY spa day!

Don't worry about those lazy days. Just put your tap on, put in your favourite bath bomb in; and just RELAX! R-E-L-A-X!!!! OMG! People think that you have to do everything fun in Summer. What about other Summers in the future? This is your time to just take a rest from your busy routine.

Hope you liked my post today! It would be awesome if you could comment down below about your requests! Thanks for reading! <3 xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Beautifully Perfect!

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